February 16th– No Class. Winter break.
February 23rd—No Class. Winter break.
March 2nd— Classes grades K through 5 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Classes for grades 6 through 8 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Join us for a retreat, from now through June, with our new theme In My Love, Abide, which focuses on renewing your connection with God through prayer, reflection and fellowship. Each retreat begins with a buffet dinner from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. on Friday evening and concludes Sunday with the celebration of Mass at 10:45 a.m. followed by a hot brunch at noon. Private rooms are provided to all retreatants. Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center located at 303 Tunxis Road, W. Hartford, CT. Register online at holyfamilyretreat.org/themed-retreats or call 860-760-9705.
Due to a medical issue impacting a key member of our team, the Beacon of Faith campaign tax letters will be going out later than we had planned. We are very sorry for this delay and hope to have them in the mail soon. Thank you for your continued patience. Mike Ford, Fiscal Affairs Office
Join us for an unforgettable evening at the 2025 Massachusetts Citizens for Life Annual Mother's Day Fundraising Dinner, held at the beautiful Log Cabin! Enjoy a delicious meal while supporting the cause of Life in Massachusetts, and be inspired by our incredible keynote speaker, Bishop W.C. Martin, Pastor, Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Thursday, May 8th at 6 PM at Log Cabin Restaurant, 500 Easthampton Road, Holyoke, MA. Early Registration Special for tickets purchased by March 16th.
Monthly bible study at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy, 2 Prospect Hill, Stockbridge, MA. Last Wednesday of the month from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Contact us at [email protected]. Ages 18 to 40 are welcome. Light dinner is provided.
A spiritually fruitful Lent doesn’t happen by accident. We all struggle with habitual sin. No matter how hard we seem to try, it feels impossible to get it out of our life! These habitual sins often have roots in a deeper reality we haven’t yet uncovered, which is why they’re so hard to overcome. In SetFree: Daily Lenten Reflections on overcoming the seven deadly sins, Fr. Josh Johnson helps viewers uncover the root causes of sin and eliminate it at its source. If you’re interested in joining Fr. Josh, go to https://ascensionpress.com/pages/frjoshlent and sign up for the waitlist to be notified as soon as the series becomes available.
We still need your help with our Beacon of Faith Campaign. Our parish goal is $406,000. Everyone is asked to give, but not everyone is asked to give the same amount. Your gift can be made as a pledge payable over a 1 to 5 year period on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, or as a one time donation. We know money can be tight during the Christmas season, but you can still sign up at the beginning of the new year as well. Complete your pledge card (located in the church) and select the timeframe of your payments. If you choose to make a down payment via check, please make it payable to Diocese of Springfield Beacon of Faith. Pledging online is very easy. Go to: www.givecentral.org/Beacon-of-Faith-23 and pay by credit card or bank account.
Pope Francis’s point-man on migration and development has urged the Trump administration to remember Christian principles about caring for others, saying people are being “terrorized” by the U.S...
On Sunday, Pope Francis noted the “great personal risk” taken by soldiers and law enforcement while greeting the participants the Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police and Security Personnel.
After a coronation ceremony two years ago hailed as an interreligious novelty and progressively open-minded, King Charles III and Queen Camilla of England will make their first official visit to the...
Due to a fresh bout of bronchitis, something he has experienced with increasing regularity, Pope Francis has decided to move his official meetings to his residence, rather than the more formal...
Pope Francis Monday hosted an international summit on the rights of the child, lamenting the millions who daily endure war, poverty, abuse, exploitation, depression and a lack of hope for the future.