Dear Friends, On this beautiful feast of Pentecost, we resume the public celebration of Mass. Bishop Rozanski has permitted us to do so after receiving assurance from us that we adhere to all State and Diocesan requirements. The safety of our ministers and all of you is our primary concern. Please if you are at risk, I encourage you as your pastor to pray from home. Remember the Bishop has dispensed us from the Sunday obligation for the time being. Weather permitting, we will gather on the lawn behind the Parish Center for Weekend Masses. You are encouraged to bring a chair. A mask is required by the Governor. We have a limited supply of masks for those who forgot to bring one. Hand sanitizer is also recommended. Please follow the directions of the ushers to be seated. Families can be seated together. Hymn books, bulletins etc. will not be available. At the outdoor Mass the ushers will take us the offertory in the usual matter. When Mass is celebrated in the Church there will be a collection box as you enter. These have been difficult and trying times for all of us. Please be as generous as your means allow. Daily Mass will be celebrated in the Parish Center at 12:10. I will be available before Mass for confession at 11:30. Holy Communion will be offered at the end of Mass. Approach the minister, cup your hand, the minister will drop the Eucharist into your hand. Please step aside, remove your mask consume the Eucharist and leave. Do not return to your seat. Our ministers have been advised to take all precautions both for their own safety as well as your own. You may reserve a Mass intention by calling the Rectory. The office is not open full time. Please call and leave a message Please remember these recommendations are meant for all who worship with us. Thank you for your cooperation. If you would like to volunteer to help sanitize our sacred space after a Mass, please let us know. We ask the protection and intercession of St Joseph and our Blessed Mother as we move forward. Please do not become lax. This virus is still active and dangerous. Thank you for your fidelity and generosity to the Parish. Let us continue to pray for each other. Weekend Liturgy: Sat. Vigil at 4pm; Sunday at 9 and 11am. Weekday at 12:10. Sat. confession at 3pm. For the time being daily before Mass at 11:30. No Holy Hour or Rosary. Rest Rooms for emergency only.