ST. ANNE SOCIETY Our next St. Anne meeting, scheduled for December 9th at 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Center, will be our Christmas Tea. Don Coudert has graciously accepted our invitation to be the entertainment at the Tea! Besides enjoying the singing and refreshments, we will once again help out BCAC with their ongoing need for warm clothing. This year we will concentrate on adult women and men. The need for jackets, sweaters, socks, sweatshirts and sweatpants,mittens, gloves, and hats is never ending. Please do what you can to add to our donation and bring what you buy to the Tea. We will be sure they will receive all of it, and they will appreciate your generosity. All women in our community are invited to the Tea. After the entertainment and refreshments we will attend the 4:00 p.m. Mass and process in as a group. Our guests are invited to join us. We will take this opportunity to install new members and hope to see a large attendance at this event!