The Diocesan Listening sessions held during winter/spring 2018 yielded 8 overarching themes around which the Bishop and the Diocese might focus research and activity in the ensuing 3 to 5 years. 1. Create/build community within parishes. Creation of welcoming environments within our parish communities. Become more active seeking those who are missing from our churches and parish life. Listen and invite to come back, heal and encourage to stay. 2. Young Adults: Intentionally invite and engage the youth and young adults of our diocese in Catholic life. 3. Life long faith formation: Engage all parishioners, children and adults in life long formation in their faith. 4. Spirituality: Encourage more awareness of and appreciation for the breadth and depth of Catholic spiritual life. Promote more and greater participation in the numerous spiritual practices at the diocesan and parish levels. 5. Diocesan/Parishioners relationship: Establish a more open, inclusive diocesan way of doing business that listens to the advice and concerns of its people, engages them in dialogue, invites them into participation in the decision making process, and shares the method and reasoning of outcomes. 6. Cultural Integration: Parish/diocesan practices, programs, and worship that are intergenerational and integrate diverse cultures, ethnicities, and life choices. 7. Catholic Schools: Discernment of the value, structure and support for Catholic School education in our Diocese. 8. Clergy Formation and Support: Avenues for continuing formation and support for clergy and vocations.