ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY - The Cemetery Commission has established an exciting new volunteer program, The Friends of St. Joseph Cemetery, to carry out certain work projects that will enhance the appearance and history of St. Joseph Cemetery. While many of the activities will focus on beautification projects, another major component will focus on restoring the old historic section of the cemetery founded in 1853, that has some of the most beautiful monuments in the cemetery and gravestones dating back to 1854. But it shows signs of its age and the lack of upkeep by family members. But few direct descendants are actually around to maintain the area and gravestones. Membership in the Friends program is open to men and women over age 18. Potential members must fill out an application which includes a liability waiver. People will be asked to check off the types of projects they are interested in from a list provided. No specific skills are needed for many of the projects but volunteers must be physically able to perform the tasks required for projects selected. Volunteers will be able to sign up for specific projects when the projects are announced and there will be no required minimum number of volunteer hours. All applications will be reviewed and must be approved by a Commission committee. Possible work projects include the following: Spring and fall cleanup projects, removal of untended flower pots, maintenance of Cemetery-owned flower containers, statue cleaning and painting, other small painting projects, pothole patching, restoration work in historic section of cemetery, historical research on old gravesites and possible writeups about them, and other projects as identified. If you are interested taking advantage of this opportunity and signing up for this Friends program, or would like more information, please call Nancy at the Cemetery Office at 499-1317. She will mail out an application to you or refer you for additional information. Thank you for your possible interest in this new Friends program. This is a chance to spend some quality time helping with worthwhile projects, learn new skills, work with other committed volunteers and make a big difference in the improved appearance of the cemetery. Respectfully, St. Joseph Cemetery Commission