The next meeting of the St. Anne Society will take place on Wednesday, July 19th at 6:00 in the parish center. Our guest speaker, Mary Lou Burdick, will share the topic “Jesus Our Bread in Every Breath We Take.” Her recently published book, “Rhyming Reflections and Inspiring Intentions” will be available for a donation. All women of the parish and beyond are welcome to attend what promises to be an evening of enlightenment. Also of interest in July is the installation of 9 new members and 2 who have attended but have not been formally received. This is a major accomplishment for St. Anne’s and we are so happy to welcome them and look forward to what they can bring to the society. The installation will take place at the 9:00 a.m. Mass on July 30th. Immediately following Mass will be the monthly Holy Hour and recitation of the Rosary, led by St. Anne members. It would be wonderful to have a large group attend and join in the prayers. (The Rosary is led each month on the last Sunday by different groups within the parish.) If you haven’t attended a meeting of St. Anne’s, this would be a very good month to join us!