The Knights of Columbus, Msgr. Eugene F. Marshall, Council #103, Pittsfield, is sponsoring a Basketball Youth Free Throw Championship on Thursday January 10, 2019, 6 to 8 PM, starting with sign in promptly at 6 PM at Crosby School, 517 West St., Pittsfield. All boys and girls 9 to 14 years old are invited to participate in their respective age divisions. Winners will have the opportunity to progress through the local, district, regional and state competitions. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent, there is no charge for participating in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw. To enter Crosby School Gym on West St., use the driveway on the right side of the school, drive down near the fields, the entry door to the GYM will be on the left. Kindly pick up entry forms ahead of the Free Throw and for additional information, kindly contact Jeff Hiltpold, Chairman at 281-1737.