The St. Joseph’s Parish Council Nominating Committee is looking for four new members to fill the vacancies of current council members whose terms are expiring. The purpose of the council is to assist our Pastor, Msgr. Mike in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the parish. If you feel you possess some, or many of the gifts necessary for pastoral leadership, then we could really use your help! We need parishioners who have: **A desire for spiritual growth in oneself and in the parish, enthusiasm about the present and future direction of the parish, **Eagerness to participate in parish decisions about its direction. **Willingness to listen, to speak honestly, and to work toward consensus. **Integrity in articulating what one has heard and what one believes. **The ability to inspire and empower others, and the ability to delegate. **Cooperation, flexibility and openness with people and ideas. Please consider this important ministry. It is a ministry to the entire parish. If you are willing to serve on this important and dynamic committee or, you simply want more information, you may contact one of the following members – Carolyn Rousseau (443-5401), Mike Collins (499-1075), or Joe Ryan (443-0039); or you may fill in your name, address and phone number at the bottom of this notice. You can leave it with any usher or drop it off at the rectory. Thank you for your consideration. Please note that nominations close on March 15, 2019