THEME: “I stand at the door and knock.” (God Speaks) “Which door, God?” (We reply) SUMMARY: We will ponder the words of Revelation: I’m the God who is. The God who was, and the God about to arrive.” “I stand at the door and knock.” How do we listen to “God’s knocks?” Which “doors” should we be especially attentive to daily? What if we miss the invitations? How might we be “doors” to others? Are we open or closed to God knocking through others? Sr. Colette Hanlon, S.C. Presenter Colette Hanlon is a Sister of Charity of Seton Hill whose past ministries include being a teacher of the deaf and the blind, formation ministry, General Councilor, and hospital Chaplain. She is presently a member of the Provincial Council for the Sisters of Charity in Greensburg, PA. Reservation Donation: $15.00 (Continental breakfast & lunch included) RSVP to Carolyn Rousseau, (413) 443-5401 on or before Oct. 1, 2018 SPONSORED BY THE PITTSFIELD SETON FAMILY GROUP