The Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) program has begun! It is held at the 9 AM Mass and it will, again, follow the C.C.D. schedule. This program is specially meant for kids from K through 6th grade. They listen and respond to the Word of God in language they can understand. They sing praise and pray at their level, then, they return to their parents for the Eucharist portion of the Mass. It’s a wonderful program and kids love being there. Parents, it’s your responsibility to bring them. It was Jesus who said the words: Let the children come to me.
Do you Knit or Crochet? Those who are sick, frightened or dying—and their loved ones—are so appreciative of the Prayer Shawls that are made by volunteers. A group of these gifted people meet every Wednesday from 12:30—1:30 PM at the Berkshire Medical Center Chapel to pray and use their gifts to comfort others. You are welcome to join them! Funds are provided for the materials and we love creative patterns as well as familiar ones. Thanks, also, to the local congregations who share some of their abundance when we run low on our Prayer Shawls. For questions, please call Pastoral Care at 413-447-2251.
Berkshire Medical Center is always looking for dedicated Eucharistic Ministers. If you feel called by God to minister in this way, please contact Sister Colette Hanlon, S.C. at 413-447-2251. All the training for hospital ministry will be supplied by BMC staff and chaplains.