St. Joseph High School is seeking a part time receptionist, 7:45 AM - 1:15 PM, Monday through Friday, every day that school is in session. Proficiency in Word, Excel and Outlook are a must; ability to speak Spanish is a big plus! Two personal days, 55 hours paid vacation, pay $15 per hour. Call Dr. Amy Gelinas, Principal, at 447-9121 to apply.
It's that time of year again as begin to prepare for our annual Polish Picnic! Cooking for picnic continues on June 8, & 15 at 3:30 PM. On July 12, 14 & 15 at 9 AM. All food preparation will take place in the parish center. Please join us! Many hands make light work!
Pregnancy Support Services - Thank you for your donation of baby furniture, diapers, baby wipes and baby clothes. Please know that your donation fills an urgent need for families in the community. Thank you for your continued support.
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT FOR THE FUTURE - Our own funeral Mass or a funeral for someone we love: An emerging trend is to have a service or gathering at a funeral home or a community club house instead of a Funeral Mass in the church....or no service at all. This decision is often based on convenience and without the realization that the Mass of Christian Burial is part of the Ritual Prayer celebrated by Catholics for one who has died. Rarely should a service at a funeral home or club house take the place of a Mass of Christian Burial. Celebrating the Eucharist for those we love expresses our deepest ties and relationships. Please think and pray about this for yourself and those you love. Fr. Mike