THE FOOD PANTRY is most grateful to many at this time of Thanksgiving. We thank all who contributed gravy for the Thanksgiving Angels, those who donated money to fund our pantry at this time of year as well as throughout the year and at the bequest of families whose loved ones have passed away. We are also thankful to Dr. John George and his patients who participated in a food drive for us as well as one patient who ordered many boxes of products for us, both in the food area and personal hygiene areas. Our young pre - school friends at the Boys and Girls Club of the Berkshires recently visited our pantry as they have for so many years and gave us delicious food for our members. Thanks is owed to so many parishioners who consistently donate items in the baskets at the doorways of the church. Whether you do this once in a while or every week, the clients are so appreciative of your thinking of them in their need. May this season of blessings be yours as we recognize and thank each and everyone of you.
SINGING PRIESTS TO PRESENT ADVENT CHRISTMAS - The popular Singing Priests of the Diocese of Springfield will return to the stage for an Advent and Christmas concert on Sunday, Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. at the Boyd - Quinson Mainstage, 30 Union Street, Pittsfield. Tickets for the holiday concert are $30 and will be available through the theater box office on Union Street or by phone at 413-236-8888 as well as online at Proceeds will be directed towards future youth ministry outreach in the Berkshires.
On Sunday, December 3rd Advent Vespers will begin in the South Chapel starting at 6 p.m. The evening consists of prayer, singing psalms, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is invited to come together and make this Advent season a prayerful journey with God in preparation for the celebration of His birth. Following vespers, as in the past, there will be a series of video presentations led by Fr. Deeker in the North Chapel. Refreshments will be served.
Tags are being prepared and will appears on the Giving Tree November 25th and November 26th, as we anticipate the Advent Season. Tags will remain on the tree through December 9th and 10th. Be prepared to wrap and tag your gift selection no later than Sunday, December 10th after the 11:30 Mass. Then, the gifts will be readied for distribution during that week. Consider sharing the spirit of Christmas with a needy family by selecting a gift tag from the tree. Imagine a child’s delight with an unexpected gift.
BERKSHIRE HILLS CHORUS OF SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL will perform at St. Joseph Parish on Sunday, December 17th at 2:00 p.m. The performance will last one hour. There is no fee. All are welcome.
St. ANNE SOCIETY members will enjoy their annual Christmas Tea on December 9th, starting at 2 p.m. in the Parish Center. There will be delightful desserts, tea and musical entertainment. Following the tea, the members will attend the 4 p.m. Mass and proceed into the church with the entrance procession following their Banner of St. Anne. Any women who would like to attend are most welcome.
PAINT AND SIP - Benefit the Irish Sister City Committee Exchange Program on Wednesday, December 6 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Berkshire Paint and Sip, 305 North St., Pittsfield. $35 includes all painting materials, professional instructions, light snacks and donation. BYOB. To reserve please call Michelle at 413-205-8346. Don’t miss your opportunity to create your own painting of the “River Moy in County Mayo, Ireland” on a 16x20 . canvas. All are welcome.
THE ST. ANNE SOCIETY will meet on November 15 in the parish center at 6 p.m. The evening will feature the annual soup and bread supper. This meal that began as a sacrificial event has turned into an epicurean delight of 5 different homemade soups and fresh artisan bread. Plus, we have Sr. Jean Bostley coming to speak to us on the history of the Order of the Sisters of St. Joseph and her experiences in her many years in this ministry. All women and friends are welcome to attend.
HOLIDAY BAZAAR HELP needed at St. Joseph church. Parishioners will be baking pies on Friday, November 17 at 9:00 a.m. We are in need of bottles of cheer, prizes for the Chinese Raffle table, cans of pie filling and/or fresh apples, and used jewelry. St. Joseph Holiday Bazaar will be held Saturday, November 18.
DID YOU KNOW Did you know that November is the month of All Souls, remember the departed of your family, our church, as well as war and disasters with special prayers.
COOKIE BAKERS NEEDED - Please donate your favorite homemade cookies to sell in our Create-a-Tray booth at the Bazaar on November 18. Customers enjoy a tray of cookies. They can chose from a variety of homemade cookies. Any type of cookie is very appreciated! Please call 447-7911 or 443 -5592 if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for helping our booth!
ST. AGNES ADVENT PARISH MISSION - Speaker: Fr. Gary Dailey - December 5: How do we become heralds of the good new like John the Baptist. December 11: Young people bearers & heralds of the good news. 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Program includes Mass, fellowship, and refreshments.
PREGNANCY SUPPORT SERVICES of Berkshire County, Inc, expresses its deep gratitude to your generous parishioners for various items received in your Church vestibules. Diapers are an ongoing need; your purchases help so much. There is a need for office volunteers for Tues-Thurs. for even a part of the office hour time (10 AM to 1 PM), joining the single volunteer who greets the clients. Also requested are volunteers willing to pick up and deliver baby items. People to serve on the board are also welcome. Please call the office at 443 7351. Thank you very much for the publicity and support given through the years. We couldn’t exist without you.
Application forms for the Giving Tree Project are still available on the table inside the main entrance to the church. Completed forms need to be returned to the rectory office as soon as possible. The deadline is Tuesday before Thanksgiving Day. If any parishioner knows of a family who needs assistance to help provide gifts for their children, please taken an application and share the information with the parents.
SACRED HEART ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Bazaar will be held on Saturday, December 2 from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. There will be 20 Berkshire County Crafters this year, providing a wonderful variety of gifts and crafts. We will have a Tag Sale area with table top items at great prices and will once again have a Chinese raffle. Our baked good tables will have a great variety of holiday baked good and our snack bar will be open for breakfast or lunch.
There will be an Italian Cookie Workshop on Thursday, November 16 in the Parish Center starting at 9 a.m. The cookies will be used to sell at the parish bake sale on November 18. We will be making four different cookie recipes and many hands are necessary to bake and decorate the cookies in a stress free and friendly environment. So please come for the entire time or for an hour or so. Your help is needed.