Through your generosity our parish fed over 110 shut ins with the monthly Sharing Roots meal program. Meatloaf was made in our parish center and packaged and delivered by fellow parishioners. The funding for the expenses is thanks to generous donors both within and outside the parish.
The Parish Council will meet immediately after the 9 AM Mass in the North Chapel. All are invited to attend. Our parish would like to encourage people to make prayer shawls for the ill of the parish. If interested, please contact Father Mike for more information.
SPECIAL INTENTIONS The trip to the Holy Land is fast approaching. We leave Jan. 23rd. Anyone who would like us to pray for a special intention, please write it down and place it in the collection basket labeled Holy Land. Cities that we’ll be visiting include Haifa, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Capernaum, Galilee, Jericho, Bethlehem, Cana, Jordan River. As we celebrate mass in these places that our Lord walked, we will remember your intentions.
The Knights of Columbus Bishop Conaty Assembly #395 is sponsoring an 11:30 AM Mass for the Unborn on Sunday, January 21, 2018 at St. Joseph Church, Pittsfield. Followed by a March for Life from the Church around St. Joseph High School to the North Chapel (weather permitting), then a light reception in the North Chapel. All are welcome to join us for this worthy event supporting all Life.