The dessert table is looking for desserts to be sold on 9/8 at the Sharing Roots.Whatever you choose to make please make sure there are NO NUTS OR COCONUT in it as we have people who are allergic to both. It would be very much appreciated if you could prepackage your dessert in zip-lock baggies.We’d also appreciate that it be marked what it is –brownies, chocolate chip cookies, etc.They should be brought to the Parish Center on Saturday 9/7 between 9 & 12.Thank you,Sharyn Fresia 441-3771
Calling for Volunteers for our Annual St. Joseph Festival of Sharing Roots on Sun., September 8, help setting up from 9 AM to noon. Then volunteers needed at the Booths. Te Festival starts at Noon to 4 PM, then pick up and clean up. Kindly contact Jeff Vincent at [email protected], please indicate which booth you prefer or if you are able to help where needed. Also Sat., Sept. 7, 2019 we will be setting up from 9 AM to noon. Your help is appreciated to make this worthy annual event a success. Thank you, St. Joseph Festival of Sharing Roots Committee.
ST. JOSEPH SHARING ROOTS FESTIVAL Sun., Sept. 8th, 2019 from 12:00 until 4:00 PM on the grounds of St. Joseph Parish at 414 North St., Pittsfield, MA. There will be a Mass starting at 11:30 AM. We as a Parish Family and Community can move forward from the 9-11-01 tragedy in a peaceful way and recognize the diversity and respecting all people and families working together, having fun, sharing customs, food and heritage for the glory of God and the USA. Admission and Kiddy Land are free. Crafts sales start at 9 AM. Booths and activities will start at noon. Entertainment will begin at 12:30 PM featuring local vocalists, dancers and musicians. The food booths will represent several international cuisines each serving their favorite specialty. Those represented are American, African, Brazilian, French, Irish, Italian, Lebanese and Polish. Activities in Kiddy Land will include a family fun event with face painting and games for every family member to participate and have fun with their child. We are offering a 50/50 raffle, food basket raffle, various raffles and lottery ticket raffle. Bring your lawn chair for an afternoon of fun and enjoyment.
The Berkshire Hills Chorus of Sweet Adeline's will be producing their annual show celebrating their 50 years as an a cappella chorus here in Pittsfield. The show will be at Barrington Stage on Union Street, on September 14, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $18 and can be purchased at the theater box office or on line. Do get them soon because the best seats are moving quickly. This is a show you wont want to miss
Many thanks to all who made our Meatball & Pasta Dinner Fundraiser for the new heating system at St. Joseph a success. Thank You to all the Volunteers, The Parishioners who helped, The Knights of Columbus for cooking and serving a great meal, The Ladies of St. Anne for baking and serving the cakes for dessert. Thank You to all who attended this event sharing great food and fellowship. God Bless you all.
We are pleased to announce that Phase 1 of the drainage and road improvement project is about to get underway. The first phase will focus on correcting the drainage problems in the Upper Section of the cemetery. White Engineering of Pittsfield prepared the drainage plans that were then approved by the Diocesan Building Committee. The drainage project was then put out to bid and four firms submitted bids. A J Virgilio Co. of Westfield was the low bidder. After background and experience checks, the firm was recently approved by the Diocese. Once a contract is signed, work will begin. The plan is to start the work in late August with completion in November. The drainage work will consist of inspecting and cleaning the existing main drain lines to clear any blockages. New drain lines will be installed around the perimeter of the Upper Section to lower the highwater table, and new drain lines and catch basins will be installed in the areas where water accumulates in the spring and during big rainstorms. The goal is to eliminate the flooding that occurs on the grass and in the roads in the Upper Section. A second goal is to eliminate much of the water runoff that now travels down the long roadway to the Upper Section. That runoff often floods the roads and gravesites at the bottom of the hill. In a separate part of the drainage plan, volunteers started brush clearing in mid-July in the rear of the Lower Section to reopen drainage ditches that have become overgrown to allow water to drain to a small pond located in the woods. This should eliminate or greatly reduce the flooding in the lower section to the left of the main driveway to the Upper Section. The plan is to complete the drainage work this fall and monitor the results during the winter and spring. If additional drainage work is needed, it will be done in the spring. Once everyone is satisfied that the drainage is working properly, road reconstruction planning will take place, plans drawn up and the work put out to bid. Work will take place in summer/fall 2020 and over the next few years as pledges are paid and funds are available. All roads in the cemetery have been evaluated and rated based on their condition. Those roads in the worst condition will be totally reconstructed and done first. They will be followed by roads that are in fair condition and only need to be repaved. As indicated earlier, the estimated cost of doing the drainage work and reconstructing or repaving all the existing paved roads in the cemetery is $1,800,000. The Capital Campaign raised $1,200,000. Therefore, all roads will not be able to be repaved. Those roads remaining will be done over time as funds become available. Please remember too that gravel roads will not be repaved as part of this effort. They will continue to be graded and patched as needed. We ask for your patience in the coming months as drainage work is underway. Cemetery staff will coordinate with funeral directors to have work stopped or moved to another section during burials. If you do have concerns, please stop by the Cemetery office and speak with Jay Meehan, Cemetery Superintendent or Nancy Nolan, Office Manager. Thank you.
St Anne Society meeting will take place on August 21, 2019 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Center. This will be our annual Ice Cream Social. We will also be participating in a unique and fun gentle fitness session “ Shake Your Soul”. All are welcome to come to the meeting and enjoy the experience.
ST. JOSEPH SHARING ROOTS FESTIVAL will be held on Sunday, September 8, 2019 from 12:00 until 4:00 PM on the grounds of St. Joseph Parish at 414 North St., Pittsfield, MA. There will be a Mass starting at 11:30 AM. We as a Parish Family and Community can move forward from the 9-11-01 tragedy in a peaceful way and recognize the diversity and respecting all people and families working together, having fun, sharing customs, food and heritage for the glory of God and the USA. Admission and Kiddy Land are free. Crafts sales start at 9 AM. Booths and activities will start at noon. Entertainment will begin at 12:30 PM featuring local vocalists, dancers and musicians. The food booths will represent several international cuisines each serving their favorite specialty. Those represented are American, African, Brazilian, French, Irish, Italian, Lebanese and Polish. Activities in Kiddy Land will include a family fun event with face painting and games for every family member to participate and have fun with their child. We are offering a 50/50 raffle, food basket raffle, various raffles and lottery ticket raffle. Bring your lawn chair for an afternoon of fun and enjoyment.
ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY FLOWER REMOVAL-Please remove all decorations by Labor Day, September 2nd, no other decorations are allowed until November 1st. Cemetery gates will be locked at dusk beginning September 2nd.
DAY OF RETREAT - All Are Welcome - October 29, 2019 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Check in time 8:00 a.m.- 8:45 a.m. St. Joseph Parish Center, Pittsfield, MA THEME: Receptivity and Resilience on the Journey of Spirituality “Each morning we must hold out the chalice of our being to receive, to carry and to give back. It must be held out empty—-for the past must only be reflected in its polish, its shape, its capacity.” Dag Hammarskjold, MARKINGS, p127 Sr. Colette Hanlon, S.C. Presenter Colette Hanlon is a Sister of Charity of Seton Hill whose past ministries include being a teacher of the deaf and the blind, formation ministry, General Councilor, and hospital Chaplain. She is presently a member of the Provincial Council for the Sisters of Charity in Greensburg, PA. Reservation Donation $15.00 (Continental breakfast & lunch included) RSVP to Josie Buzzanco 413-443-0876 on or before October 22, 2019 Sponsored by Pittsfield Seton Family Group
MEATBALL & PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER - Knights of Columbus Council #103 Saturday, August 24, 2019, 5 to 6:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center. All proceeds go to St. Joseph Church for the new heating system. Limited tickets at the door if available. Takeout is available. Kindly pick up tickets early at St. Joseph Rectory or contact a member of the Knights of Columbus Council #103. Donation; Adults $12.00, children $6.00, 5 to 12 years old. If you are unable to attend and are able, donations would be appreciated.
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults This process to welcome adults into the Catholic Faith will begin this fall on Wednesday, Oct. 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the North Chapel. Sessions last approximately one hour. If you are interested, please speak to Msgr. Mike or call the rectory at 445-5789 to register.
St. Anne members are reminded that their presence is requested at the 11 am Holy Hour and Rosary on Wednesday August 14, 2019. Please make every effort to attend and pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and lay ministry.
We hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation and taking advantage of the beautiful weather. In mid-August, you will be receiving your CCD calendar for the Fall 2019 semester, as well as a registration form. In the meantime, please mark you calendars for the following dates: Sunday, September 8th - CCD Registration in the North Chapel from 10:00-11:00 following 9:00 Mass. Sunday, September 15th - 1st day of CCD. - Reminder for students receiving their Confirmation in October - Please make sure you have completed your Confirmation packet in full, and have had your interview with Msgr. Mike. If you have not had your interview yet, please schedule it with Msgr. as soon as possible.
ST. JOSEPH SHARING ROOTS FESTIVAL Sun., Sept. 8th, 2019 from 12:00 until 4:00 PM on the grounds of St. Joseph Parish at 414 North St., Pittsfield, MA. There will be a Mass starting at 11:30 AM. We as a Parish Family and Community can move forward from the 9-11-01 tragedy in a peaceful way and recognize the diversity and respecting all people and families working together, having fun, sharing customs, food and heritage for the glory of God and the USA. Admission and Kiddy Land are free. Crafts sales start at 9 AM. Booths and activities will start at noon. Entertainment will begin at 12:30 PM featuring local vocalists, dancers and musicians. The food booths will represent several international cuisines each serving their favorite specialty. Those represented are American, African, Brazilian, French, Irish, Italian, Lebanese and Polish. Activities in Kiddy Land will include a family fun event with face painting and games for every family member to participate and have fun with their child. We are offering a 50/50 raffle, food basket raffle, various raffles and lottery ticket raffle. Bring your lawn chair for an afternoon of fun and enjoyment.
Fr. Bill Garrott, O.P. will preach a mission appeal at all Masses August 16-17 as part of this year’s Missionary Cooperation Program. Fr. Bill invites all parishioners to become spiritual partners with the Dominican Friars who serve in the East Africa mission, where our friars are engaged in the work of evangelization and faith development in a poor and underserved region. Their mission depends on the support of the faithful here at home. Your generosity is appreciated.
ST. JOSEPH FESTIVAL OF SHARING ROOTS 2019 PLANNING MEETING - All chairpersons of booths requested and volunteers welcome to participate, Thursday August 8, 2019 at 6:30 PM. Many thanks to all who help keep this worthy community tradition going, "Moving forward together from 9-11-01 in a peaceful way, respecting all people and sharing our cultures & food". Volunteers needed, kindly give your name to Jeff Vincent.