The Food Pantry here at St. Joseph is in dire need of a coordinator as soon as possible to work with the staff, coordinate materials with the Food Bank and other duties. If interested, please call the rectory at (413) 445-5789 and leave your name and number with our parish secretary, Michele.
Meeting Wed. Oct. 2, 2019 at 6 p.m. in the North Chapel, to discuss the continuing and future sustainability of holding St. Joseph Festival of Sharing Roots, including discussing the need for a new chairperson and some booth chairpersons to help determine the future of this worthy event. All Chairpersons, Volunteers and people wishing to volunteer are encouraged to attend. The 2019 St. Joseph Festival was a success sharing our food and cultures, moving on from 9-11-01 peacefully, we raised over $5,000.00, after expenses we raised approximately $2,500.00 for St. Joseph Church. Many Thanks to all who participated. God Bless you all.
The Knights of Columbus will be having their Tootsie Roll Drive after the 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Masses on Sunday, October 5 and 6. Please be supportive! The Knights are always working tirelessly for us and everyone in need.
ST ANNE SOCIETY Due to a change in scheduling the St. Anne Society monthly meeting will take place on Wednesday September 25, 2019 in the Parish Center at 6:30 pm. It will be our annual Pot Luck Supper. Members are asked to bring their favorite dish large enough for about 6 servings to share with the group. The dish can be anything from dessert, entree, or appetizer. Please join us for food, faith, and fellowship. All are welcome.
Our Parish Response to the Thanksgiving Angels Program Once again, the challenge is on for gravy packets for the Thanksgiving Angels program “Turkey and all the Fixings” to be held on November 25th. We are collecting either McCormack or Knorr gravy packets as they are lighter to carry and please place them in baskets at the entrances. These are preferred as clients do not like store brands. We as a parish are hopeful of providing 1200 packets with the balance to be supplied by St. Charles Church. This is the 8th annual drive where all pantries and churches come together to supply the items needed for a Thanksgiving dinner to those in need.
The Parish Family Italian Dinner at the Parish Center will be hosted by the St. Anne Society and tickets for the October 19th dinner are limited so get yours today because only unsold tickets will be available at the door. Don’t be left out!! Nina Mastrangelo has tickets available and can be reached at 442-3402, or go to the rectory. Profits made at this dinner will go toward assisting the maintenance budget of our beautiful Parish Center. Menu includes ziti with homemade meat sauce, meatballs, chicken parmesan, salad, dessert and coffee. For those who want take out service, it will be available at 4:45 for pick up. Ticket prices are $15 for adults, $5 for children aged 6-12, and free for children 5 and under.
October 7th– Bus leaves at 7:30 from St. Joseph’s. We leave Enders to return home between 4 and 4:30. Cost for the day is $100. Enders Island is an 11-acre island off the coast of Mystic, CT. The grounds include a 360° ocean view, beautiful walking gardens, a Seaside Chapel, an outdoor Stations of the Cross. Make some time for yourself and God. Meet God in a new and unexpected way while enjoying the beauty and peace of Enders Island. Share quality time, good food and good company as you find a quiet place to appreciate the love God has especially for you.
Bishop Rozanski cordially invites all married couples to celebrate their wedding anniversaries in 2018 – 2019 with a special Mass on Sunday, October 20th at 10AM in the Cathedral. Many couples celebrating 25th and 50th anniversaries attend every year, but any couple wishing to remember their anniversary at this special liturgy is also welcome. Please notify the parish office of your name and address before Monday, October 14th to receive a personal invitation from Bishop Rozanski.
COMPUTER SCAM WARNING: At this time of year, scams seem to have become more frequent and creative. Please remember that your parish and diocese NEVER solicit funds by e-mail or text. Remember, too that if an offer you receive seems to be good to be true, it probably is a scam.
Please be aware of your belongings when you are in church. Women may want to carry their handbags with them when receiving Communion. It’s a sad day when this must be mentioned in Church but better to be safe than sorry!
St. Joseph Cemetery is looking to hire a new Cemetery Superintendent to replace the current Superintendent who has resigned. Interested candidates should have experience in lawn maintenance, supervising and managing staff, working effectively with the public and understanding budgets. The person must be able to drive trucks and lawn care equipment, able to respond to emergency situations and work effectively and compassionately with families at the time of a loss. Please email a resume to St. Joseph Cemetery at: [email protected]
Let the little children come to me. (Mt. 19) We are a little late this year but we will continue to offer the Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) at the nine o’clock Mass beginning October 6th. During the C.C.D. calendar year, children at the 9 a.m. Mass will be called to the altar where the priest will talk to them and then dismiss them to the chapel to hear the Word of God in language appropriate for children. This program is designed for youngsters in grades K through 5. Plan on being there with us to celebrate and really hear God’s Word. Sorry, but this is NOT a program for toddlers and little ones.
Many Thanks to all who participated in our Festival of Sharing Roots, making our annual event a success. We appreciate the efforts of all the volunteers working together to move forward peacefully from 9-11-2001 as a Parish Family and community respecting all people and sharing their food and cultures. We Remember those who perished in that tragedy and for all the First Responders who risked their lives to save people. God Bless you all.
The Catholic Committee on Scouting of the Diocese of Springfield announces information sessions for Berkshire County Catholic Girl Scouts, Heritage Girls, Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA pertaining to Catholic Religious Awards and Emblems. The sessions will take place on Wednesday, September 18 at St. Joseph Church, North Chapel, 414 North St., Pittsfield. Information on Girl Scout / Heritage Girl awards and emblems will be presented 6:00-7:00 p.m. Scout BSA awards and emblems information will be presented 7:00-8:00 p.m. Scouts, parents and leaders may attend either or both sessions. For more information, contact Kathy, [email protected] or Sr. Jean, [email protected].
ST ANNE SOCIETY Due to a change in scheduling the St. Anne Society monthly meeting will take place on Wednesday September 25, 2019 in the Parish Center at 6:30 pm. It will be our annual Pot Luck Supper. Members are asked to bring their favorite dish large enough for about 6 servings to share with the group. The dish can be anything from dessert, entree, or appetizer. Please join us for food, faith, and fellowship. All are welcome.
ITALIAN FAMILY DINNER - Tickets on sale NOW - Remember to get your tickets for the St. Anne Society Parish Family Dinner which is scheduled for October 19th at the Parish Center. The dinner features homemade Italian food such as ziti with a rich meat sauce, meatballs, chicken parmesan, salad, dessert and coffee. Come and enjoy good food and camaraderie with your parish family. Take out service will be available and meals can be picked up at 4:45 p.m. Advanced ticket sales are available from Nina Mastrangelo at 442-3402 or the rectory. Tickets are limited and only unsold tickets will be available at the door.
The weekend of September 21 & 22, there will be opportunity to donate for those devastated in the Bahamas. If you are able to help please put your donation in a separate envelope in the collection basket. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
FINAL EVENTS FOR GRADE 11 CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES September 15th - Cathedral of the Beloved - 12:00-3:00 pm in Parish Center (1st shift: 12-1:30; 2nd shift: 1:30-3:30) September 29th – Confirmation Wrap-Up at St. Joseph Church 5:00- 7:00pm October 2nd – Retreat at Sacred Heart Parish. Registration: 4:30; Retreat: 4:45-9:15 pm October 17th – Rehearsal with Sponsors at Sacred Heart Parish at 6:00pm October 20th – Confirmation Ceremony at Sacred Heart Parish at 2:00pm (candidates should be there at 1:30pm).
Families should have received a letter in the mail with a registration form and calendar for CCD school year 2019/2020. Registration for classes will take place on September 8th in the North Chapel from 10:00-11:00 a.m. If you did not receive a letter, or need another form, you will be able to register and get a form at that time. GRADE 10 students – Any student entering 10th grade MUST register for this year AND grade 11 to receive Confirmation in grade 11. If you have not received a letter specifically for 10th grade students, the registration and parent meeting will take place at the first class on September 22nd at 6:00. September 8th – Registration in the North Chapel from 10:00-11:00 a.m. September 15th – Classes begin for grades K through grade 9 . All students will meet their teachers in Parish Center. September 22nd – Class for grades K-9. Grade 10 meet in Parish Center from 6:00-8:00pm September 29th – Class for grades K-9.