Pregnancy Support Services of Berkshire County, Inc, is so grateful for recent donations. It is the generosity of parishioners in our Churches that helps so much in the mission of supporting women in their pregnancies and young parents with their young. Anyone interested in being involved is asked to call the office at 413-443-7351.
DRIVE UP POLISH PICNIC - St Joseph’s Church will be holding a drive by Polish picnic on Sunday July 18th from 3 to 6. Featured will be Polish plates $15.00, frozen pierogi $12.00 per dozen, quarts of kapusta $6.00, and ½ dozen of golumpki $16.00. Pre-orders only. To place your order please call the rectory @ 413-445-5789 by July 12th.
St. Anthony Devotions will take place this year at St, Joseph Parish in a different mode. On Friday, June 11, the usual service will be at 6 p.m. in the church. On Saturday, June 12th morning prayer service with benediction will be at 9 a.m. in the church. On Sunday, June 13th at 9 a.m. St. Anthony will be remembered at the 9 a.m. Mass. Everyone is welcome to attend the special triduum of services to this beloved saint.
Calls for Communion for homebound parishioners have now resumed. It is carefully administered by a Minster of Communion who is fully vaccinated. Visits to the home will be brief and only and exclusively for administering the Holy Sacrament. Ministers will wear face masks, and sanitize their hands before and after administering communion. The communicant should wear a mask as long as it does not impact their health. Please call 413-445-5789 to schedule a visit.
Please call the rectory by June 1, 2021 to set-up your interview. Confirmation Retreat is October 3rd at 4 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Parish Center. Watch for more information. If you have any questions please contact John Arasimowicz at 413-822-1297. Thank you
Thank you to the 182 parishioners at St. Joseph’s that have donated a total of $33,068 to the Annual Appeal! Send in your one-time contribution, or make a pledge using the donation card you receive in the mail, or donate online through or by calling: 413-452-0670. All donations are tax deductible.
If you’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19, please consider coming back to the church. If reason for your absence is because you’ve become accustomed to staying away, please pray and reconsider rejoining us if you feel safe to do so. God loves you, and we do too, and we sure do miss all of our family.
NINETEENTH ANNUAL DIOCESAN WIDE EUCHARISTIC ROSARY PROCESSION - Come Celebrate the year of St. Joseph at the nineteenth annual diocesan wide Eucharistic Rosary procession on Sunday, June 6th from 1 to 4 p.m. (rain or shine) at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, 99 King St., Northampton, MA. Guest Speaker: Most Reverend William D. Byrne, Bishop of Springfield. Talk by Bishop William D. Byrne: "The Rescue Mission" Confession Available Rosary Procession through downtown NorthHampton (1.8 miles). Transportation available for those unable to walk. Chaplet of Divine Mercy Adoration and Benediction Please Note: COVID Safety Protocols to be followed. For more information, contact George or Brenda at (413) 221-4372 or visit: