Pro-Life of Pioneer Valley will be holding a membership/organizational meeting on Thursday, February 17th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Hamel's/ Summitview, 555 Northampton Street, Holyoke, MA. Have you ever wanted to get involved in Pro-Life? Here is your chance to join Pro-Life of Pioneer Valley and defend the right to life. We have many opportunities in education, event planning, speaking engagements, and working with pro-life students. Light refreshments will be served. Doors open at 6:30 PM. For more information email [email protected].
The CCD program will sponsor a Penny Social on Sunday Feb. 20th from 1-4 in the Parish Center. The doors will open at 12. Free refreshments will be served following the social. Please join us for a fun afternoon. Donations are also welcome.
CCD Classes: January 30th, February 6th, February 13th. Sunday, the 20th and 27th is winter break, no classes. Confirmation class of 2022 will meet Sunday, February 13th at 5:30 to 730 at St. Joseph Parish Center.
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children On January 22, 2022, all dioceses in the United States are called to observe a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, and for the loving support for their families before and after birth. It is never too late to seek the Lord's mercy and healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. His greatest desire is to forgive us, pouring out His infinite mercy upon us so that we may be healed. If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential, compassionate help is available. You can find out more information about the Catholic Church's ministry for healing after abortion by visiting Let us take courage and offer prayer and penance, that all human life would be welcomed in love and protected in law.
January 23, 2022 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST “What man could not utter nor conceive, and what he could never have dared to desire – that, God in his love has uttered, conceived, and executed. Should we ever have dared suggest to God that he should make his Son die for us, that he should give us his Flesh to eat and his Blood to drink? If all that were true, then man would have been able to imagine things that God could not do. He would have gone further than God in the inventions of love, [and] that is impossible.” St. John Vianney, Eucharistic Meditations: 1st Meditation.
Due to the increase of COVID-19 cases, St. Joseph Rectory Office is temporarily closed. Please call 413-445-5789 if there is something you may need. Thank you in advance for understanding.
Dear Bishop McDonnell, Msgr. Mike, Fr. Michael, and Parishioners, I want to thank you for your kind welcome of me to your parish on the weekend of January 8-9, 2022, which was the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. I am grateful for the hospitality and kindness that I received. Thank you for being open to praying for vocations to the priesthood and for our efforts in the diocese to encourage the men of our parishes to follow God's call. Lets not forget young women too who may be called to religious life. We must be courageous in being good examples of faith in order that we may build a culture that promotes vocations. Thank you again for your efforts and your prayers!! God bless you all! Fr. Michael Pierz St. John the Evangelist Parish, Agawam
On Wednesday, Jan. 19 area pro-lifers from Pro-Life of Pioneer Valley and the Diocese of Springfield will hold a March for Life. The March activities will include: Mass at 10 AM at St. Michael's Cathedral, 260 State Street, Springfield, a walk for life to immediately follow the Mass (app. 11 AM) and lunch will be served in the Bishop Marshall Center. For those who are unable to walk, a pro- life rosary will immediately follow the Mass. This March is in solidarity with the National March for Life held each year in Washington, D.C. Please join us to stand up for the "Right to Life". For more information email [email protected].
The FOOD PANTRY is in dire need of toilet paper and personal care items. If you are able to help please leave in the baskets in Church. Thank you for your continuous support.
YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST - “Oh, if men loved You, all the churches would be continually filled with people prostrate on the ground adoring and thanking You and burning with love for You at seeing You with the eyes of faith hidden in the tabernacle. But no; men forgetful of You and of Your love, leave You, O my Lord, abandoned and alone. Inflame me with Your love so that from this day forth, I may live only to love and to please You.” St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Holy Eucharist: Octave of Corpus Christi, Meditation I. For more information and videos check out
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children On January 22, 2022, all dioceses in the United States are called to observe a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, and for the loving support for their families before and after birth. It is never too late to seek the Lord's mercy and healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. His greatest desire is to forgive us, pouring out His infinite mercy upon us so that we may be healed. If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential, compassionate help is available. You can find out more information about the Catholic Church's ministry for healing after abortion by visiting Let us take courage and offer prayer and penance, that all human life would be welcomed in love and protected in law.
Our parishioners are invited to join thousands of Catholics nationwide in prayer for the respect of human life during a special novena called "9 Days for Life". Please visit to sign up to receive daily intentions from January 19th through the 27th.
FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST “After the happiness of communicating: Rise modestly, return to your place, kneel down, and do not immediately take up your book or rosary. What good are the words of men when God is speaking? We must be like someone who is very curious and listens at the door. We must listen to all that the good God says at the door of our hearts.” St. John Vianney, Eucharistic Meditations: 16th Meditation. For more information and videos check out
Please consider signing up to give your donations to our parish online. It is very easy to do. You can donate either with a credit card or a check and choose how much you would like to give and how often: weekly, monthly, semi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. You can go directly to the website at to sign up. We thank you for your generosity during these difficult times.