A special Thank You goes out to the members of the St. Anne Society who baked, and helped at the Italian Dinner, and also to the men who came and did most of the heavy work of putting on a dinner. A special thanks to one gentleman who came and did all the cleaning. The dinner was very successful with about 110 dinners served. All extra sauce and meatballs were packaged, frozen and will be on sale at our November Bazaar.
November is the month dedicated to the deceased. If you would like to have your deceased Loved Ones remembered all month, please fill out their names on your parish envelop provided for All Souls Day or write their names on a plain envelop and mark it All Souls. Their names will remain on the Altar all month. May the souls of all the faithful Rest In Peace.
A big shout out goes out to the Meals on Wheels cooks, also the office staff who did the meals for the Cathedral of the beloved. A big thank you to the Knights of Columbus who cooked the hot dogs for our students for the confirmation retreat with the Bishop. Over 400 meals went out from the center the first weekend of October. Thank You, with God’s blessings
ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY Cemetery & Mausoleum hours starting October 1st to April 30th are 8 am - 4 pm. Winter decorations may be placed on lots starting November 1st thru April 1st. Only one wreath or flower box per lot. Please remember that no decorations are allowed at the Mausoleum. Nothing may be glued, mounted, taped or in anyway affixed to a crypt or niche front, name plaque or any part of the walls. Anything so mounted will be removed and disposed of. Thank you for your understanding.
PREGNANCY SUPPORT SERVICES Aided thousands in their pregnancies over the past 50 years and is very much in need of new active members. Please consider attending our monthly meeting, Oct. 17th, at 7:00 PM in our new ground floor office at 34 Depot St., L2. In order to continue in its mission, we must have new board members, volunteers (even substitutes) to welcome clients with material needs, and very importantly, persons with computer and business experience. Phone is 413-443-7351 for information. We truly need your help!
BUS TRIP TO MGM in Springfield. Monday, November 14 from St. Joseph parking lot at 9 a.m. We’ll leave MGM at 4:30 p.m. The cost of the trip is $40 per person. For reservations please call the rectory at 413-445-5789.