LOURDES & FATIMA PILGRIMAGE September 17th—27, 2023 : 11 Days - $ 3,599/pp (airfare from Boston and land incl) For information and reservation, Contact Msgr. Shershanovich at 413-445-5789 x102 or Email: [email protected].
December 4th-Classes for grades K through grade 6 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Classes for grades 7 through 10 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. December 11th-Classes for grades K through grade 6 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. December 18th- Classes for grades K through grade 6 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Classes for grades 7 through 10 from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Holy Hour will take place on the last Sunday of each month following the 9 a.m. mass. It will consist of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and recitation of the rosary. There will be no holy hour in December as it falls on Christmas day.
LAND OF PEACE MISSION - A nonprofit organization we will be visiting your parish on December 17th and 18th speaking about the Christians and the ongoing situation in the Holy Land. We will be selling crucifixes, religious art work, and rosaries all made of olive wood which is native to Israel and Bethlehem. The goal of this mission is to help the poor and needy families in Bethlehem and Jerusalem and give you the opportunity to have something authentic from the holy land. Please visit our website: www.landofpeace.org
ST. CHARLES CHURCH CRAFT FAIR AND BAZAAR Saturday, December 10th from 10 to 4. Lower level parish hall at 89 Briggs Ave., Pittsfield. Crafts, quilting, handmade goods, vendors, holiday décor. Cakes, cookies for sale. Lunch will be available for sale: Soups, sandwiches, beverages.
Many thanks to all who helped to reach our goal for gravy for the Thanksgiving Angels. To date we have collected $2,606. If we receive more donations we will use them at Christmas.
THE EUCHARIST CONGRESS IS COMING TO SPRINGFIELD MARCH 4TH This day is for you! Young or old, single or with the whole family, involved in your parish or on the edges, you are invited to come learn more about the Eucharist and deepen your love for the gift of Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Reawaken your heart to what is essentially beautiful, good, and true about our faith, and center your life around Christ in the Eucharist. Come experience amazing speakers, a display of Eucharistic miracles, fellow Catholics from around the diocese, a full convention center of all things Catholic with Catholic ministries and materials, as well as Eucharistic Adoration and Mass with Bishop Byrne. Pick up a brochure in the church or go to catholiclifeconference.org to register. Discounted tickets $40 until December 1st.
The next March for Life in Washington DC is planned for Friday, January 20th, to stand up for the right to life of unborn children and celebrate the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The North Adams Chapter of Mass Citizens for Life has been sponsoring a bus to the March for many years. We need to know NOW how much interest there is for us to sponsor a bus this year. Even if you cannot definitely commit yet, If you are interested in going to the March for Life, call Robin at 743-1329 ASAP. If there is enough interest, we will go forward with a bus.
SETON FAMILY ADVENT RETREAT - “Awakening to the Divine Light” presented by Chaplain Dennis McCann Thursday, December 1st - 9am to 3pm at St. Joseph’s Parish Center Registration fee: $15.00 by 11/15. After 11/15 $20.00. Continental breakfast and lunch included. To register call or email: Chris Stodden (413)443- 2910 e-mail: [email protected]
CHRISTMAS WITH MARY VERDI at Sacred Heart Church on Sunday, December 4, at 1 p.m. Join us for an hour of Joyful Christmas Music Band: Ben Kohn, Eileen Markland, Charlie Tokarz, George Skidd, Alan Pugielli Free to All! Bring the family.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ANNUAL TOY DRIVE - The Knights of Columbus will be holding their annual Toys for Tots drive on December 11. All donated toys will be distributed through the Berkshire County Sheriff’s Department to needy children in Berkshire County. We will be collecting the toys at St. Joseph Parish Center between the hours of 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Please do not wrap the toys. Thank you for your kindness in this drive.
Advent Vespers will begin on Sunday evening November 27, 2022 at 6 pm in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome to come and spend time in evening prayer with our Lord. Following Vespers, a video and discussion period will take place in the North chapel while enjoying coffee and dessert. Come and prepare yourself spiritually for Christmas.
Members mark this on your calendar! Our next meeting to be held on November 16, 2022 at 6 o'clock p.m. will be our annual Soup and Bread Supper, always a popular night...while it started as a sacrifice, it has turned into a delicious meal! The only sacrifice is no dessert, but no one cares! Our attendance at meetings has been very light the last few months and we really need your presence--it has been greatly missed! Please try to attend this meeting and our Christmas Tea before we break for the winter months. We extend our invitation once again to the women of the parish and any in the Catholic Community of Pittsfield to attend a meeting and think about joining. We have 4 new people to induct in December and we welcome many more! Don't let this strong society which had its beginnings at Notre Dame die down--it has benefited from the addition of women from our other parishes and is of service to St. Joseph Parish and the community. We are needed, but we really need you! Thank you for your consideration! P.S. Don't forget your baked goods for the Bazaar Create-a-Tray and the Baked Goods tables--our customers look forward to them!
The parish is making plans for our 175 anniversary. We are planning a Marian Pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima from Sept 17th to Sept. 28, 2023. We have 25 seats reserved. If you are interested please contact Msgr. Mike for more information. If there is enough interest we will proceed to book the pilgrimage.
In this season of gratitude and charity we are pleased to announce that we will sponsor BCAC in their ongoing need for warm clothing for our children. BCAC has created a Children’s Boutique where boys and girls can “shop” for items that appeal to them and will protect them from the winter’s chill. Our part is to provide warm clothing for them. This is what is needed: coats, hats, mittens, gloves, boots, sweatshirts and pants, sweaters, and pajamas. Sizes vary from 16 months to adults small or medium, mostly 7 to 14, but all sizes welcome. While you are doing your Christmas shopping please consider buying something on our list. We will gather them up at our Tea on December 3rd and deliver them to BCAC located on East St. near the Merrill Road bridge. Thank you for helping BCAC. “KEEP OUR KIDS BERKSHIRE WARM!”
Holy Hour will take place on the last Sunday of each month following the 9 a.m. mass. It will consist of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and recitation of the rosary. Please make every effort to attend as we will be praying for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life, as well as Peace in the World.