Palm Sunday-Weekend Mass as usual. Vespers 6:00 pm Spy Wednesday-Confession 5:30-6:30 followed by RCIA. Holy Thursday-NO 12:10 Mass. Mass of the Last Supper 7:00 pm followed by adoration in the South Chapel until 10:00 pm. Closing with Night Prayer. Good Friday-Morning Prayer in the South Chapel 9:00 am, Stations of the Cross at cemetery at noon. Stations of the Cross in church at 3:00pm. Passion of Our Lord Liturgy and Holy Communion at 7 pm. Holy Saturday-Morning Prayer at 9:00 am, blessing of food at the Parish Center 11:00 am. Easter Vigil at 7:30 pm. Blessing of Easter fire, reception of RCIA candidates for Sacraments, etc. Easter Sunday-Mass at 9:00 and 11:30. Easter Bunny following 9:00am Mass. Easter Monday-NO MASS FYI: We will be cleaning and decorating the church on Sat., morning at 8:00am. No confessions or Sat. afternoon Mass.
Ring your bells and make some noise Easter Sunday at the 9:00 mass. Please bring your bells to church, all ages young and old, to ring out and let people know that indeed Jesus has risen!
RCIA- Wed. at 6:30. Confessions-Daily (Mon.- Fri.) 11:30-12:00, Wed from 5:30-6:30 and Sat from 3:00- 3:45. Vespers & Presentation Sunday 6:00p.m. Stations of the Cross & Lamentations Friday 6:30p.m. Operation Rice Bowl-Please pick up a Rice Bowl at the church doors. My Parish App-Reflections by Fr. John Burns. Go to My Parish app. Copies of The Magnificat Lent Companion found by church doors. For the Lenten Season Adoration, Confession and Mass will be in the Main Church.
Each Sunday evening at 6 pm we are coming together in the Chapel for evening Prayer. Following Vespers there is a video presentation featuring “The Creed” with Bishop Robert Baron in the North Chapel. All are most welcome to attend. Coffee and dessert will be served.
There will be an Italian Cookie Workshop on Thursday March 30th at 1:00. Many hands are needed. A light lunch will be served. Your help will be most appreciated. PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE.
The Passion Play will be presented by the CCD students Sunday, April 2 at 9 o’clock Mass. Students are asked to be at the North chapel for 8:30 a.m.. CCD will follow the 9 o’clock Mass at the center as scheduled. Please contact John A. if you have any questions at 413-822-1297 or e-mail John A at [email protected]
Thursday, April 6 - Holy Thursday Mass. Students will meet in the South Chapel at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26 - 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Confirmation class retreat at St. Joseph Center. Mass will be held at the conclusion in the main church at 6:30 p.m. Parents are asked to attend mass to participate in the candlelight ceremony. Saturday, May 20 at 10:00 a.m. in the church - Rehearsal. Students and sponsors (or guardian if sponsor is unavailable). Sunday, May 21 -Confirmation Ceremony at 11:30 am. Mass. Students and sponsors should be in the St. Joseph Center at 11:00 a.m.
Sunday, April 30th - Classes in the Parish Center at 10:00 a.m. Friday, May 5th - Rehearsal in church with parents at 5:30pm. Sunday, May 7th - First Communion ceremony at 9:00 am Mass. Students should meet in South Chapel at 8:30.
Thursday, April 6th - Holy Thursday Mass. Students will meet in the South Chapel at 6:30 pm Wednesday, April 26th - 4:30 to 7:30 pm. Confirmation class retreat at St. Joseph Center. Mass will be held at the conclusion in the main church at 6:30 pm. Parents are asked to attend mass to participate in the candlelight ceremony. Saturday, May 20 at 10:00 am in the church - Rehearsal. Students and sponsors (or guardian if sponsor is unavailable). Sunday, May 21st -Confirmation Ceremony at 11:30 am Mass. Students and sponsors should be in the St. Joseph Center at 11:00am.
LOURDES & FATIMA PILGRIMAGE Sept. 17th—27, 2023. For information and reservation, Contact Msgr. Shershanovich at 413-445-5789 x102 or Email: [email protected] or
The St. Joseph POLISH PICNIC will be held on Sunday, July 16. Food preparation will be held in the parish center on Saturday, 4/22 & 4/29 at 10:00 a.m. We need YOUR help with making the cheese pierogi. No experience or expertise required. Please join us.
Concert & Variety Show: Friday, March 31 at 6:30 PM. Doors open at 5:45 PM. Admission is free. The event will be held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, 256 State St., Granby, MA, in the Parish Hall. This event is being funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the Granby Cultural Council.
The Parish Council is looking to have some new members as terms are expiring for some of the Council members now. This year, it has been decided to have interested candidates for election submit no later than March 21st a short letter to Monsignor Mike, stating why you are interested in serving and what you will bring to the Council if elected. You may include what you presently do in the parish. Meetings are usually on the third Sunday of the month but that depends on what is going on in the parish. A reminder to Council members that there is a meeting of the Council scheduled for Sunday, March 26th after the 9 AM Mass in the chapel.
This year, St.Joseph's annual parish bake sale will be held in the parish center on Saturday, April 1, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We hope to have Babka, butter lambs, Easter breads, cookies, and so much more for this special event. Don’t forget to tell your friends and relatives about it. Also, we need everyone baking their special Easter treats for the bake sale. Please deliver your baked goods to the parish center on Friday morning (3/31) or EARLY Saturday morning preferably by 8 am. Thank you for your support!
In preparation of the mowing season, no decorations are allowed between April 1 and May 13. Please have decorations removed by the 1st of April. Two movable plain containers of live flowers will be allowed from Mother's Day to Labor Day. Please remember the following items are not allowed: containers with prongs, glass, artificial flowers (allowed during winter only), vigil/solar lights, shepherd hooks, statues or lot enclosers of any kind. Thank you.