Holy hour will take place on the Last Sunday of each month which is September 24th immediately following the 9 o'clock Mass. The St. Anne Society will lead the recitation of the Rosary.
BERKSHIRE DYSLEXIA LEARNING CENTER INC. All students with C's, D's, or F 's - Home schooling offering free 21St century education. Internet-based classes are available at any time, and place to fit your schedule! Our programs can advance your knowledge to grade level proficiency to advanced. We cater to underperforming students and dyslexic individuals. Information meeting Wed,. Sept. 13th At 6:00 p.m. at the Berkshire Athenaeum, Athenaeum Room. [email protected]
Our next St. Anne's meeting is scheduled for Wed., Sept. 20th at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Center and is a much anticipated favorite. We will enjoy our yearly Pot Luck Supper with all the delicious dishes brought by our members. If you plan to attend and haven't yet signed up with your specialty, give me a call so we can fine-tune our menu. (Elaine, 443-5592) Our business meeting will follow the dinner. As before, all women of the parish are cordially invited! Hope to see you on the 20th of September!